Briggs Group Tax Strategy

1. Introduction 

This document serves as a Tax code of conduct  and documentation of Briggs of Burton PLC and its subsidiary entities policy and approach  to conducting its tax affairs and dealing with  tax risk. It will be reviewed annually and  remain in effect until amendments are  

approved by the Briggs of Burton PLC Board of  Directors. In publishing the information set out  below, Briggs of Burton PLC and its subsidiary  entities consider themselves compliant with  their duty under Finance Act 2016, Schedule  19, para 16 (duty to publish a tax strategy) in  the current financial year.

2. Group tax Policy 

The Group endeavours to conduct its tax affairs in line with the following principles.

a) Observe all applicable local laws, rules,  regulations, and disclosure requirements.

b) The Group aims for certainty in its tax positions, however, where the tax laws are unclear or subject to interpretation, written advice will be sought to ensure any dispute on the Group’s position on the balance of probability, will be settled in our favour.

c) Apply diligent professional care and  judgement in management of all risks associated with tax matters. 

d) Ensure all dealings with tax authorities  are professional, timely and transparent.

e) Be compliant with all anti-bribery legislation.

3. Group Tax Code of Conduct.

The tax code of conduct outlines how Briggs employees and contractors are expected to operate with respect to tax matters in support of the above Group Tax Policy. Failure to conform is considered a serious breach of Group policy and subject to disciplinary proceedings which can lead to dismissal.

i. Managing risk and governance.

Ultimate responsibility for managing the tax affairs of the Group sits with Board of Directors of Briggs of Burton PLC; oversight of which is the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), with day-to-day management of the Group’s tax affairs delegated between the Controllership and Commercial Finance team. The Board receives updates on material tax matters from the CFO as they arise. Diligent professional care and judgement will be employed to assess tax risks in order to arrive at reasonable conclusions on how risks need to be managed. Given the complexity and fluidity of the global tax environment, where there is uncertainty as to the application or interpretation of local tax laws, written external advice will be obtained from appropriately qualified third-party advisors. The Group aims to manage all tax costs and risks in line with other commercial endeavours, with the ultimate aim of optimising the after- tax returns for the Group’s shareholders and in so doing, manage risks to ensure compliance with legal requirement in a manner which ensures payment of the right amount of tax within the jurisdictions in which the Group operates.

ii. Attitude towards tax planning

The Commercial needs of the Group are paramount, and all tax planning will be undertaken in this context. Tax will be paid in the jurisdiction that commercial activity takes place. The Group will not engage in artificial transactions; the sole purpose of which is to reduce its tax liability.

The Group will utilise any incentives and relief available to it in line with current legislature in applicable territories in which it operates. The Group will not engage in tax planning if the underlying commercial objectives do not support the position. The Group is committed to full compliance with all statutory obligations and full disclosures to relevant tax authorities.

iii. Level of Risk:
The assessment of any proposed management action takes into account the following:

  • The legal and fiduciary duties of Directors and employees
  • The tax benefits and impact on the Group’s reported result comparative to the potential financial costs involved, including the risk of penalties and interest.
  • Impact on our relationship with any tax authority.

In conducting any risk assessment, external consultants are utilised to assist in assessing the merit of our technical position.

The Group’s commercial needs will never override compliance with all applicable laws.

iv. Tax authorities

The Group is committed to the principles of openness and transparency in its approach to dealing with tax authorities wherever we operate within the world. This will be achieved by the timely submissions of tax returns and promptly responding to any queries, as well as the adoption of a co-operative approach to resolving questions over interpretation of tax laws.


The overriding principle within the Briggs Group of companies is to pay the right amount of tax required of it under the laws and regulations in the countries in which we operate.